Purpose in Relationships with people

Our neighbour: Purpose in Relationships with people

This post is about our purpose in relation to our neighbour. As human beings to function on earth, we need to have relationships with other human beings. Such relationships include family, friends, colleagues, business partners, etc.

Asides from living a Holy life, a life well-pleasing to God, we’ve been commanded by God to love our neighbour as ourselves. Our neighbour here implies family, friends, people you know and those you don’t. Once you love God first and then your neighbour just as much as you love yourself, then you will be fulfilling the law (Matthew 22: 34- 40). Once you do these, you can be sure to have God on your side and the reward for having God with you is enormous. It’s not only restricted to earthly benefits but also extends to eternity.

Misconceptions about our neighbour

There are somethings I would like to clarify.

  1. That you love your neighbour as yourself does not mean you should have close relationships with them. Jesus loves everyone. When He was on earth, He healed people with compassion (love) but only had 12 friends. Even within these friends, He still has 3 (Peter, James, and John) who were closer to Him than others.

The Word of God tells us that evil communication corrupts good manners. Also, the book of proverbs tells us what will happen to people who keep the wrong company. Love here means you shouldn’t hate or look down on anyone. Treat everyone the way you would love to be treated regardless of their status. Every soul has equal value before God.

2) Loving your neighbour does not mean you should give people the right to rule your life. You can still love and “say no”. Love is not synonymous with being nice and then regretting it later. My spiritual father would say, “Whatever you don’t want, you don’t watch. Whatever you don’t resist has the right to remain and whatever you don’t confront, you cannot conquer”.

3) Let God direct you in all your ways including giving to the poor and needy. This is important so that you don’t give your precious pearls to swines (Matthew 7: 6) and then decide not to give anymore when there are people really in need of it.

4) Destiny helpers are also located in relationships. Having the right company makes fulfillment of destiny easier, the wrong company pulls one down.

5) The best relationship to have is with God.

For more on this topic, feel free to check posts on friend @ oluchicrafts.com

This is where I will stop for now. The next post will be on purpose in impacting your generation. To access the previous post, check here. Feel free to follow us on Facebook.

Remain Blessed.



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