At The End it shall speak

Phase: At the end, it shall speak (part 1)

All through the next 4 posts, the topic “At the end, it shall speak” will be handled and this will involve various processes like the sowing, watering, and harvest phase. In life, there is a period for planting, watering, and harvesting. If you don’t plant, don’t expect to harvest anything. If you want to escape the hard work and get dirty, don’t expect to ride on high places in the near future. What you sowed in the past is the harvest you are reaping now be it good or bad. If you want something better in the future, start sowing now.

Introducing the sowing, watering and harvesting phase

The Sowing phase

Sowing can mean a lot of things e.g giving to the needy, starting a business, university education, starting a farm or garden, etc. In essence, starting something with the hope of receiving great gains in the future. We sow seeds on earth through acts like speaking, planting, engaging in activities (be it good or bad). Most importantly, we are seeds that have been planted on the earth by God.

The Watering phase

When you sow today, you don’t expect to reap/ harvest your seed the next day. There is a period between the sowing and reaping stage which I will refer to as the watering phase. This phase is quite crucial as your input will either kill the seed sown or produce a robust harvest. This is the period where patience, consistency, persistence is required. Unfortunately, a lot of people get weak and weary, they abandon their seed in this phase.

The Harvest phase

Harvest is the period where you begin to reap your sown seed. It is also the time in the years where crops are ripe and ready to be gathered. God is referred to as the Lord of the harvest (Matthew 9: 38).

After one has struggled, worked hard, the person then enters into his/her rest. Hebrews 4: 10 (NIV) says, “for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their work, just as God did from his”. This is the phase of enjoyment where your input of years will begin to yield results. Harvest is for everyone but not all harvest is good. Those who sowed but couldn’t withstand the rigor of watering their seeds are likely to harvest bad fruits.

Stay tuned for the continuation of this post. To access the previous post, check here. Feel free to join our Facebook page and remain blessed.


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