Are you beautiful inwards

Beauty: Are you Beautiful inwards?

Beauty they say is in the eyes of the beholder but true beauty comes from the heart. You are beautiful and don’t let anyone convince you otherwise. God took His time in creating you and His Word affirms this by stating that we are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139: 14). Since this is true, then why are you looking down on yourself?

The earlier you know how important you are to this generation and how much God loves you, the easier it becomes to appreciate yourself more.

When I talk of beauty, it not only refers to your outward being but your inward person. What kind of trait do you have? Are you godly or do you live a holy life? Are you kind and honest? Do you love your neighbour as yourself? Is envying other people your specialty?

Still on Beauty

It is very possible to be beautiful outside but dark and ugly inside. It’s also possible to be beautiful inside and this beauty radiates to your outward being thereby attracting people to you.

Have you noticed people getting attracted to a particular set of people, not for any reason in particular but they can’t just help it? This is what is called favour. Joseph, Daniel, David, and others in the Bible experienced this. Joseph’s inner beauty drew a lot of favour to the extent of being the head of other prisoners and we saw how things turned out for Him. 

It is important to spend more time with God’s Word, live a holy life, and do what we’ve been commanded to if we want to access this inner beauty and divine favour. Take time to study the fruits of the Spirit, follow the examples of men/women who had such beauty, and were highly favoured by God, and be ready to do what they did.

Benefits of being beautiful inward

Celebrate with others: Here, you are aware of who you are in Christ, you know that people have different paths and celebration time. Rather than envying people, you celebrate them and receive a reward for that.

Soul-winning: people get easily attracted to those with inner beauty and would want to know their secrets. By telling them about Christ, you are winning them over. Daniel 12:3 says, “And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever.

Fulfilling your destiny: This makes it easy to fulfill destiny in grand style. Not only will you reign on earth but in Heaven. Also, the spiritual and physical seed you have sown will go on to your generation. Inner beauty is not specifically for some group of people but for everyone that is interested. Are you?

Be Blessed.

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