Category: Uncategorized

  • I Will Fight For You: How to respond to accusations

    I Will Fight For You: How to respond to accusations

    I will be treating the topic, I will fight for you and you shall hold your peace.  The passage is taken from Exodus 14:14, which says, The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace. The second passage is Psalm 46:10, Be still, I know that I am God. I’ll be exalted…

  • You can: Purpose in impacting your generation

    You can: Purpose in impacting your generation

    Picture this, when you enter a big market, there are various sections. Each vendor has something to offer and this may be different from the next vendor. At the end of the day, you return home with different goods you’ve purchased from different vendors. This is a picture of what is happening on earth. Each…

  • Choice: Purpose, the reason for existing.

    Choice: Purpose, the reason for existing.

    I’ve heard people talk about purpose, potential, destiny, etc. What is purpose? According to the dictionary, it’s the reason for which something exists, is done, or created. Just like we have a purpose for starting a business, being in an organization, starting a home, we also have a purpose for being on earth. One thing…

  • Loneliness: When you feel all alone.

    Loneliness: When you feel all alone.

    According to NCBI, loneliness can be defined as “a feeling of disconnectedness or isolation”. If not carefully watched, could turn into depression. A large percentage of the population attribute loneliness to the singles separated and divorced individuals. This is true but do you know that we have married individuals who are lonely? Loneliness is not…

  • Beauty: Are you Beautiful inwards?

    Beauty: Are you Beautiful inwards?

    Beauty they say is in the eyes of the beholder but true beauty comes from the heart. You are beautiful and don’t let anyone convince you otherwise. God took His time in creating you and His Word affirms this by stating that we are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139: 14). Since this is true,…

  • Understanding the times and seasons

    Understanding the times and seasons

    Each crop has to be planted at a specific time to bear fruits and seasons differ for crops. Targeting the appropriate planting time minimizes stress and increases the chances of performance for such crops. In the same vein, we as humans have our seasons. There is time to sow and time to reap. There is…

  • The Sowing phase: At the end, it shall speak

    The Sowing phase: At the end, it shall speak

    The sowing phase is the beginning of hard work. It is not attractive and requires encouragement sometimes. People waiting to harvest during the sowing phase are wasting their time because you can’t sow today and reap the same day or next day. Sowing entails planting a seed on earth. Do you know that we are…

  • Benefits of letting the spirit-man lead

    Benefits of letting the spirit-man lead

    After following the series of posts on the spirit, soul, and body of man, it is clear that the spirit-man is the real you. Despite this, people suppress the spirit-man thereby abiding by the rules of the flesh. The flesh/natural man/body acts against God’s will (Romans 8: 7-8).  At salvation, the Holy Spirit dwells in…

  • The Body of Man

    The Body of Man

    Man is a spirit, he has a soul and he lives in the body. It is therefore safe to say that the body enables man to have physical contact with earth. Spiritual beings without bodies are not seen with the natural eyes only if God opens our spiritual eyes.  There have been numerous encounters of…

  • The Soul of Man

    The Soul of Man

    The soul of man is made up of the intellect, feelings/emotions, and the mind. The soul is between the spirit and the body of man. This is the area where ideas are gotten and developed. The mind is very powerful even though it may not seem so when compared with the spirit and body. This…