finding your way


Finding your way

Finding your way entails going through a series of processes in life.

First, you need to know what your purpose is in life and then walk towards it. The process of finding your way is a school of learning. In the beginning, it may seem difficult. You might even begin to have doubts about your decision.

Sometimes, people believe they know exactly what you are meant to become just because of their personal gains. Others will begin to give you advice that is not important to you. Some innocently may think they are helping you. This is also similar when it comes to marriage.

It is very important to know where you are heading. Know the right way, the way that God has ordained for you and not your own way or the way someone says is best for you. This is because, when the storms of life come, when the process begins, one might not be able to stand firm to the end if they are not on the right path.

Passing tests

As Christians, there are exams we have to pass in order to move to the next level. There are processes you need to go through before something can be handed over to you. Some Christians wonder why other tongue-speaking believers are going through such difficult situations, well it is necessary.

Even Jesus said we would go through trials and tribulations. He also added that we should be of good cheer because He has overcome the world. Now, don’t mistake this for the wickedness of the devil. Yes, God allows us to go through somethings but it is for a moment. In that trial, He will always show you a way of escape.

1 Corinthians 10: 13 (NKJV) says, “No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to [a]bear it.”


When you are facing that trial, He will make it bearable if you give Him the chance. When you feel down, the Holy Spirit is always there to uplift you. This is why it is very important to have a personal relationship with God. Speak to Him, ask Him questions. Religion is okay, going to Church is great but the one that matters the most is having a personal relationship with God.

If you don’t know what to do just ask Him, ask direct questions. One can be sure to receive answers from Him. One thing people don’t really know is that God longs to have a relationship with us more than we do. He is more than willing to answer your questions and to show you the way forward.

My testimony

After finishing my youth service which was for a year, I began looking for work. I left where I was for another city and the search continued. While in that city I passed through all sorts of things but the Lord kept me going. I got a job and after a few months of working, I resigned.

People around me were not happy with my decision. Within me, I knew I did the right thing and my training process was over so I moved back home. When you have a lot of pressure around you, people trying to force you to do what you know is not right for you, revert to the Holy Spirit.

He will empower you, you will have this boldness you never thought was there and you will be able to face whatever it is the devil throws at you. I must also add that being a Christian does not equal being sluggish or trying to please people thereby twisting the truth to make them happy. That’s a “chicken-like” attitude and it is not of God.

When I resigned, some people had the notion that one would not get a job and won’t be able to work in any other place. There was that mockery and “joy” on their path, dearly beloved that’s how shortsighted some people are and It would have been surprising if there was no mockery because for you to be made, mockery is very necessary, it touches the heart of God.

Testimony continued

One fateful day after one of the services, I received a leading within my spirit to work in a particular hospital voluntarily. I was so happy when I got the message, I felt like I had won a jackpot because I had been asking for the way forward.

Whenever God tells you to do something, please don’t waste time and do it with all your heart because there is something huge, a wonderful blessing waiting for you once you’re done. This also applies to the period of trial and tribulation. In the midst of our trials when things are hot, worshiping and praising God moves and pleases Him.

After the message I began arranging my clothes, making them suitable for work, then I started working there. Only a few people knew I wasn’t being paid because I worked like every other person asides from the calls. I worked with wonderful people, children of God, and also those who tried to make things difficult for me (they are always there….lol) but I never shifted my gaze from Jesus. I worked there for about 4 months, I never lacked money or needed anything and I did what I did with joy.

Message from the organization

Finally, I got a message from an organization I had applied to earlier concerning an interview I was invited for. I was asked some questions which I gave an answer to. One major response I gave that touched the heart of the examining board was the fact that I had work in a place for about 4 months without getting paid.

Honestly, I didn’t see it as anything for me. I was defending them but this new organization saw it as a big deal. I finally got the job, out of the multitude that came only two of us were accepted. All I can say is that this is obviously the hand of God.

Final note

Where I am this moment is exactly where God wants me to be. I know I will still move according to God’s timing but I know without a doubt that I am in the right place at the right time. Being in the right place at the right time according to God’s timing makes life easy for you. He is with you and protects you when you are in His will.

One thing I never stopped doing all through this period was seeking the kingdom of God first both in prayer and reaching out to the lost.

Finding your way is a journey throughout life, it starts little by little. As you pass the lessons and exams of life you go from one stage to another resulting in different levels of greatness. Life is not confusing, all you need is the right path to go. Search for it and when you find it don’t just stay praising it, walk in it and you will be sure to receive the benefits.

Hope you’ve enjoyed this post and God bless you richly. As always, I would love to hear from you and you can also follow me on Facebook. To access the last post, you can check here.


Chidinma Oluchi.



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