Trial: Using the trial in your life for something good.

Trial: Using the trial in your life for something good.

We learn a lot passing through tests and trial in our lives. As we know, we are all on earth for a particular purpose and it’s our duty to find what this purpose is. Begin to walk with God to attain the greater goal. God uses weaker vessels for His glory i.e people that are not capable, people with no skill of their own or qualification. This is in order not to allow anyone to share His glory.

Walking with God

When you begin to work with God, He will begin to tell you things, reveal your destiny to you bit by bit. Whatever He tells you will always be way more than you can handle. Every plan and purpose from God for us is usually bigger than what we can handle. God molds us for His use so that we can fit perfectly into the plan He has for us on earth. This results in us going through a series of tests and trials.

For example, academically, we write tests and exams in order to move to the next class. It’s until one passes this test before he/ she can move. This also applies to our life on earth. Once we are faithful and have passed the test set for us in one stage, God moves us to the other stage.

Sometimes I wonder why Christians look down on believers who are going through trials in life. It’s not forever, it’s only a matter of time. It is important to differentiate these trials from demonic oppression. You could do away with demonic oppression in no time if you know exactly what the Word of God says concerning that issue. One having trials in life is normal. It’s necessary in order to progress to the next level even Jesus speaking in John 16: 33

said, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world”.

Why we pass through trials

The trials we pass through is a learning process and one is expected to come out victorious and not defeated. Tests are being set for us by God to mold us into who He wants us to be. Sometimes even the plan of the devil against the children of God is used by God for our testimony. He also does this so that we can trust Him more.

For example, God already knew that Jesus would come to earth and accomplish His mission. He had it all planned out but the devil had no idea what this was.

When Jesus came to planet earth, the devil made all attempts to kill Him because he knew very well that He is the son of God. If the devil knew the blessings behind the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, he never would have killed Him.

Nobody can lay a hand on any child of God only if God permits for a particular purpose or if this child of God has left God’s cover/protection through disobedience or any other sin.

Using your trial to help others

God wants you to use your trials both the ones you have passed through or maybe passing through to help others. Let people hear your testimony so that they can build up their faith. Look for people that are passing through what you’ve passed through, let them know every detail you went through so that they can build up their faith.

People tend to listen better to those who have gone through the exact thing or close to what they are going through. You have no idea how helpful this might be. Some people have had terminal cancer and various incurable diseases but have been set free. Some had mental and psychological illnesses but God delivered them.

Whatever the case may be, don’t let the reason for going through that test or trial be wasted. There are people out there in desperate need of what you have, don’t let them wait too long. One should know that in trial/ tribulations, even though the devil’s plan was to hurt you, you had to go through that process so at the end of the day, not only will you come out victorious when helping others, every single detail will be important to help build their faith.

Final note

Your testimony can be used to draw others to Christ and remember what Daniel 12: 3 says; And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever.

Turning many to righteousness makes stars forever.

Please help others because you don’t know whose life you might just save.


Before I end, there is something important I’ll like to add. It is important that you accept Jesus into your life if you haven’t and let Him be your personal Lord and Saviour. If you are in this category, join me in the salvation prayer.


Lord Jesus, I come as a sinner, forgive me all my sins, cleanse me with your blood. I accept you today as my personal Lord and Saviour, I am free from all powers of sin, to serve the living God.

Welcome to the family of God dear friend I would love to keep in touch with you. Contact me @ or Tumblr

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Stay Blessed.

Chidinma Oluchi.


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