WHEN GOD makes a way, Organization

When God Makes a Way, the organization story.

When God makes a way, no one can stop you, I will be writing on how I worked in an organization voluntarily.

There are times in our lives when it feels like we are stagnant, things are not progressing the way they should, we might even feel like God has forgotten us but the truth is, He has a plan, He is up to something good.

I worked in an organization for a few months which was voluntary, even though I worked like someone earning a salary and wasn’t paid anything, I didn’t let this get to me. My joy and happiness were still very much intact. I kept thanking God for giving me this wonderful opportunity because I knew it was a stepping stone to a greater place.


How it all Started at the organization

I had been at home for quite some time and didn’t have a Job. One faithful day, after an evening service, I received from God to start working voluntarily in this organization. He specifically asked me not to expect a dime. God made a way and I started working there. I had very little money on me at the time but as usual, God made a way because I obeyed Him. I never lacked, I never begged. When ever it felt like my money was about finishing, there was always replenishment.

I’ve always known that the verse in scripture that says, “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” is not a joke at all and this can only happen if you’ve obeyed him. Following the leading of the Spirit of God makes life easy for you.

Finally, I got an interview after a few months of working in this organization and two of us were picked for the job. I can say that working voluntarily was what pricked the heart of the chief interviewer. He could not understand how someone with such a degree would work in an organization without being paid. This was all the hand of God.

My Settlement in a new organization

My new Job was wonderful, way better than where I left. I had more time and was paid. I had a lot of added benefits which I never would have gotten if I was being paid in that organization. Divine ideas started flowing, I started a business and so many other things I never saw coming my way. I was in the right place at the right time.

Later, I learned people spoke well of me in the organization I worked voluntarily, a family member told me of how she was treated specially any time she needed something from that organization but on my path, I had no hand in this. All I did was obey God with joy and gladness of heart. I encountered obstacles but I always emerged victorious with the help of God.

Whenever you feel like there is no way, wait on God, ask Him for the way forward. There are always instructions on what to do, obey Him joyfully then you will see His faithfulness. Obedience is key to fulfilling destiny and remember that obedience is better than sacrifice.

Hope you’ve enjoyed this post and I will love to hear from you.


Chidinma Oluchi.






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