wisdom: It's okay not to have many friends (1)

Wisdom: It’s okay not to have many friends (part 4)

Jane decided to use wisdom and accept the fact that not everyone would like her and it’s okay not to be liked by people. She also weighed the risk and benefits and found out that having few friends who are heading in the right direction is much better than having lots of friends who are going nowhere. She also found out that one gets unimaginable rewards partnering with God.

If you want to maximize your potential on earth, then you need to be focused and set aside time for yourself. Having many friends will not accord one that opportunity, it’s either they are calling to hand out, party, gossip, etc. Worse for those who would not want to offend their friends by declining.

Quietness and a close relationship with God will make you hit your target without a miss. Life is full of ups and downs, many are busy doing this and that with a large percentage of one’s time being invested in making money to survive. If the only time you have to yourself is used in visiting friends, partying, etc. then a re-evaluation is needed.

We’ve all been given an equal 24 hours a day but some people still produce more fruits than others on a daily basis. Such people are well acquainted with times and seasons. They labour now but know that very soon, it will all pay off. Rather than having “fun” with every spare time they have, they invest it wisely.

Finally, the Spirit of God is the custodian of wisdom and wisdom is what is needed in choosing the right friends and investing your time appropriately. Life is always easy and sweet when wisdom is in place. Engaging the Spirit of God in whatever we do is the best way forward.

If you want to surrender to Jesus, take this salvation prayer.

Lord Jesus, I come to you today as a sinner, I surrender to you. Forgive me all my sins, wash me clean by your blood, and deliver me from the power of sin and death. I believe that you died for me and on the third day you rose again. I accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Come into my heart and be the Lord of my life. Thank you Lord, for delivering me from the power of sin and death. I am delivered, I am saved and now a child of God.

Congratulations my dear brother and sister. Now a brand new you have emerged because if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation (2 Corinthians 5: 17). If you just surrendered to Jesus, you can reach us lychicrafts@gmail.com to stay in touch.

Advice: Proverbs 9: 11

“I, Wisdom, will make the hours of your day more profitable and the years of your life more fruitful.”

May God help us to be faithful in doing the assignment He has given us on earth, Amen.

I hope we’ve been able to take note of one or two things, to access the previous post check here. Feel free to join our Facebook page so you don’t miss more updates.

Stay Blessed.




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