Challenges: When You Put Your Heart to do something Don't look Back

Challenges: When you put your heart to do something, don’t look back

It is inevitable that challenges will come. What we do about it is what differentiates us from others. Many times as we journey through life, we start on a good note. All of a sudden, something happens that makes us want to give up.

In life, you keep going(moving) irrespective of the obstacle that may come your way. These challenges/ obstacles differ from person to person. It is always important to remember that it’s not abnormal to be challenged but it’s abnormal to be defeated. Also, challenges are meant to last for a short period of time and not one’s lifetime.

Those who work closely with God get to a point in their lives where challenges become a workover. Some wouldn’t even notice any challenge all because they’ve grown spiritually to a certain level and know the laws and principles of the kingdom of God.

It is very easy to start something in life but the sustenance/ continuity is where the problem lies. Building houses, buying cars, buying instruments is great but maintaining them is where the workload lies.

The same goes for walking with God, following His divine plan for your life. Only those who are able to continue to the end will harvest great dividends.


Challenges: When You Put Your Heart to do something Don't look Back
Challenges: When You Put Your Heart to do something Don’t look Back



Keep moving from challenges

In the beginning, there is a lot of excitement especially when you know that this is what God wants you to do. God begins to show you great things which you will accomplish but the process through which this will take place may not be well known at the time.

No man can fulfill his/ her destiny without the help of God because it is beyond human capacity. No one can go through the sustenance/ maintenance phase without the help of God. It is only by the grace of God that we can be victorious.

It is important for us not to look back while on our journey. Many may fall on your left and right but it’s your determination and God’s grace that makes us keep going. As we know, in everything we do on earth, we have our parts to play and once this is done, God is committed to playing His.

This year, let us be determined not to look back at anything we’ve set our minds to attain which is according to God’s will. Just wait and see how God will see you through. Distractions will surely come but be focused.

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Making the most of your journey on earth is a book that is on what we need to do to have a great life on Earth and enjoy the benefits when we get to Heaven. Click below to access the book


Stay Blessed.



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