Do you know your profession

Do you know your Profession

Medicine is a profession admired by some. For those entering this profession, there is always a passion to help others and the same goes for military service. Those entering it for the wrongs reasons e.g money, prestige, etc have already missed it.

I have seen a number of Medical doctors who are not fulfilled where they are despite being comfortable. They still have the feeling of something missing. Some are getting tired because of the same routine they do on a daily basis. Others had to leave when they found out that it was not their calling.

Those who have been called to this profession excel well in it. They enjoy every bit of it, walk with their hearts, and always have new ideas.

The Military

For those eager to join the military or any other profession, make sure it is what God wants for you and when you are in His will, He is sure to protect you.

Only if you know how much God is ready to protect those that believe in Him, the position you find yourself notwithstanding but obedience is paramount.

A number of people want to be in the military because they believe they pay well and are respected. A number of people that had this mentality and went through this path have stories to tell. 

I have heard a story of a military person who went to war. Due to the massive casualties experienced, they believed he was dead. Only for him to return back after many days to find out that his family was starving.

Even though things differ from country to country, having the mentality of sacrificing for others and looking up to God for your reward is necessary in this case. You can imagine how he would feel if his eyes were fixed on the prestige and money gotten from this profession.

There is nothing as fulfilling as obeying God’s instructions at each point in your life. You can NEVER get stranded doing such. Looking at God solely as your rewarder for every good you do in all areas of your life will save you from a lot of heartaches. Man is never stable, putting your trust in man is very futile.

Take time to ask God what He wants you to do and to guide you in doing it.

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Stay Blessed



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