Izzy: Relationship between Faith and Academic Excellence

Izzy: Relationship between Faith and Academic Excellence

This post will be about a lady called Izzy and the relationship between Faith and Academic excellence. I mentioned that Faith is the spiritual hand used in receiving things into the physical realm and Faith is a growing force. How great your Faith is determined how great the results you’ll obtain.

In this post, I’ll be writing on the relationship between Faith and academic excellence. First of all, I will start by stating, no one is a dullard. You just need to look for what suits you and then work with it. To expatiate on what I mean, I’ll tell a true life story about a lady called Izzy

A Story about Izzy

Izzy was an average student in class and sometimes, she goes below average. She admired her classmates that always topped the class and tried to find out what their secrets were. Was there something others were doing that she wasn’t or was she doing something wrong? She thought to herself.

Izzy couldn’t figure out where the problem was but she kept studying hard and retaining her average scores.

One fateful day, Izzy went for extra classes and what one of the tutors said stuck her, He said, “Everyone has the way they read, look for yours and stick to it”.

All along Izzy had thought it was mandatory that she read in the classroom rather than in her room (even though she hated it) because everybody was doing it and it seemed like the right thing for her to do. Izzy also had friends that would drag her along whenever they wanted to read and at the end of the day, she would end up not gaining anything.

Still on Izzy

She also noticed her assimilation improved early hours of the morning and also late at night compared to day time and also when the weather is cool.

With this new discovery, Izzy changed her pattern of reading in this manner and see what the result would be.

Izzy recorded a significant improvement in her work. She started having B’s rather than C’s. This was exciting but she still aimed at having A’s.

This lady is a Christian, she believes in God, goes to church and hear sermons. One Sunday morning, the pastor preached about Faith (which he normally does) but this time it was different, Izzy saw something she hadn’t seen before all along that had been staring her in the face. With faith, all things are possible to them that believe. All you need to do after playing your path and working hard is to believe that you have your A’s and you will receive it.

A little diversion

If one prays from morning till night and does not read or work hard, you will receive nothing. Hard work cannot be substituted with prayer and fasting, even the Bible says that Faith without is dead ( James 2: 14- 26).

Remember that Jesus promised to send us another comforter who is the Holy Spirit  in John 14: 26

26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.


When you don’t understand a particular subject/ course, invite the Holy Ghost to help you, and you’ll be surprised at which things will change in your favour. He will tell you what to do, what to remove, how to go about it, explain it better to you but remember you have to be willing to work hard.

Back to my story

Izzy decided to add faith to her hard work. The next time she starts a new session. The new session started, Izzy worked hard, believed God but something happened.

The first result she saw was not good in fact, she actually failed. She was actually hoping to excel so well and be rewarded as the best student in that course but then, this happened. This got her destabilized. She began questioning her faith and hard work.

Lizzy decided to step down from being the best in that course to passing the course only. She was disappointed but didn’t lose hope what changed was her focus. To cut the long story short, Izzy passed the course.

She wasn’t the best in the course because her faith was not able to push through or better still, her faith dropped.

A few years later, she went to check the result of that course and found out that the marks between her and the best in that course were a difference of about 3 marks.

She realized if she had kept her faith alive, she would have actually been the person collecting the price despite the fact that she initially failed at the beginning.

Lesson to be Learnt

Sometimes when doors open for us, there are still hurdles that would need to jump across, there are barriers that would try to stop us or hinder us from getting there.

Yes, God has promised to do something for you, even though it does not look like it or things seem to get worse.

You’ve got a weapon called Faith which is used to quench all the fiery darts of the Enemy (Eph 6: 16). Just work hard at building your faith and putting the word of God to practice in your life then everything will take a new turn.

Finally, before I go, becoming a child of God is the only way all I have written can work for you.

It is also important that you accept Jesus into your life if you haven’t and let Him be your personal Lord and Saviour. If you are in this category, join me in the salvation prayer.


Lord Jesus, I come as a sinner, forgive me all my sins, cleanse me with your blood. I accept you today as my personal Lord and Saviour, I am free from all powers of sin, to serve the living God.

Welcome to the family of God dear friend I would love to keep in touch with you. Contact me @ oluchinwoha@gmail.com. or Tumblr 

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God bless you.


Chidinma Oluchi.


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