Looking down on yourself The Inferiority Complex syndrome

Looking down on yourself (Inferiority complex syndrome)

According to the Cambridge dictionary, the inferiority complex can be defined as, “ a feeling that you are not as good, as intelligent, as attractive as other people”.

What could be the root cause of this?

Some causes could be; poor academic performance, being bullied by peers, rejection, lack of love and support, broken homes, etc. A number of which would have occurred in the early stages of one’s life. This ends up affecting the individual up until the adult phase of life.

People with this complex develop low-self esteem and this ends up limiting their potential in life. They have no confidence in themselves and never believe that they can be good at anything. When people admire their work and efforts, these people don’t believe such admiration is sincere. Some may even think that they are being mocked all because of something that happened sometimes ago that distorted the perception of their self- image.

Therefore, a number of them end up projecting negative feelings towards others. Because it’s only what you have that you can give, you see some of them hurting others emotionally, mentally, making them feel worthless. This is a form of defense mechanism. They don’t want to be the only ones feeling miserable but are okay when they have others feeling the same way.

Inferiority complex/ low-self esteem is not good. It limits you from achieving the best in life. The good thing about this is, you can actually change this complex and have normal self-esteem.

Rather than putting yourself down and wanting to be like this or that person, having what this or that person has, focus on yourself.

The main key to overcoming the inferiority complex is focusing on yourself i.e self-development. Self-development entails spiritual, mental and physical development. Self-development makes you content with who you are and eager to improve on your person rather than aiming to be someone else. With self-development comes a confident, bold and highly productive person who is ready to go all the way.

How do I develop myself

Spiritual Development

Spiritual development comes first because once this part of you is being taken care of, other parts align easily. There is the “make up” we add to our physical bodies to look beautiful but this makeup can easily fade away. When we start developing ourselves spiritually, the beauty of God begins to radiate through our whole being. People will notice a huge change in your behaviour, you become happy and content, slow to anger, calm, not offended by people’s opinion and people become naturally drawn to you. This is true beauty.

How to develop yourself spiritually

  1. Allow God to help you, let Jesus take charge of your life and obey His instructions as He speaks to you personally and through His Word.
  2. Listen to Christian messages, read Christian books regarding that area of concern to you.
  3. Listen to testimonies of others and take note of what they did to receive their breakthrough.

There are many posts regarding spiritual development that might be helpful to you on our website oluchicrafts.com.


Looking down on yourself The Inferiority Complex syndrome
Looking down on yourself The Inferiority Complex syndrome

Mental Development against an inferiority complex

Developing one’s mentality is quite in tune with spiritual development. We renew our mind with the Word of God and we feed our Spirit with the Word of God.

How to develop yourself mentally

  1. Study and meditate on the Word of God
  2. Cut off every association that makes you look down on yourself.
  3. Be mindful of who you keep company with.
  4. Never partner with any evil thought the devil might bring your way by pleading the blood of Jesus on your mind
  5. Purpose within your heart to be happy at all times until it becomes a reality.
  6. Learn new things e.g language, instrument, etc. This keeps your mind occupied.
  7. Be happy with who you are. Remember that there is something you have that others are in need of.

    Physical Development

    This has to do with our bodies. While our spirit man is renewed and getting fresher, our physical bodies begin to age but some age faster than others. We have been given this body by God and are expected to take care of it.

    You cannot be asking God for a miracle regarding your weight and still be eating wrongly. It just doesn’t work that way. God is a God of principles and order. When you do the right thing, you will obtain the right result.

    How to develop yourself physically

    1. Stay off things that pose a threat to your body, e.g smoking, alcohol, drugs, sexual immorality, etc.
    2. Find time to rest/ relax. Taking a vacation is not a sin and the body tends to wear out faster if not taken care of.
    3. Eat appropriately. Avoid junk foods, eat fruits, vegetables as they have been found to be very good for the body. 
    4.  Exercise regularly. There are various types of exercise for various age brackets. look for the one in your age bracket.

By doing these things, you will see a significant change in your life and wouldn’t trade yourself for someone else.

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If you want to surrender to Jesus, take this salvation prayer.

Lord Jesus, I come to you today as a sinner, I surrender to you. Forgive me all my sins, wash me clean with your blood, and deliver me from the power of sin and death. I believe that you died for me and on the third day you rose again. I accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Come into my heart and be the Lord over my life. Thank you, Lord, for delivering me from the power of sin and death. I am delivered, I am saved, and now a child of God.

Congratulations my dear brother and sister. Now a brand new you have emerged because if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation (2 Corinthians 5: 17).

If you have just surrendered your life to Christ, please fill out the contact form below so we can share in your joy and include other information.

Stay Blessed



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