Religion: The Bitter Truth about Religion and Christianity

Religion: The Bitter Truth about Religion and Christianity

A number of people are headed to hell on the basis of religion. They have allowed the activity of religion to consume them and have forgotten the essence of Christianity.

They have no time to do a true soul search to know if they are on the right path but have allowed commendation from others cloud their judgment. So many believe that being efficient in church, belonging to various units in Church is a criterion for making it to Heaven.

There is so much bitterness, hatred, gossip, malice keeping, etc occurring in churches today and people involved don’t see any “big deal” about it. Oh, how I wish God could open our eyes to see the spiritual implication of it.

That one is a Pastor, Bishop, Elder in church does not guarantee an expressway to Heaven.

God is not a respecter of persons (Romans 2: 11, Acts 10: 34)

He will not reduce His standard for ANY man. Only those who obey His rules have their names written in the Book of life. We should weigh our options properly. Sometimes when the Spirit of God corrects us, we get offended. Truthfully corrections can look painful in a way but these corrections help us escape hell and nobody is above God.


Religion: The Bitter Truth about Religion and Christianity
Religion: The Bitter Truth about Religion and Christianity


It is better for us to be humble, examine ourselves regularly and adhere to corrections thereby making us have a place in Heaven.

Pride leads to destruction, death, and eternal damnation. Probably you are highly respected in your assembly and people call you Mother/ Father Holiness. Deep within you, you know you are not standing well with God, please take some time to re-examine yourself. Repent and turn away from what is drawing you away from God people’s opinion notwithstanding. There is no second chance for those who miss Heaven and eternity is forever. Those hailing you will not be there when one faces judgment.

Get close to God, your relationship with God comes first before any religious activity. Be sure to make Heaven first before engaging in any religious activity. Be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. There are things we do and believe is fine but it really isn’t. Some of us, the Spirit of God has been telling us to stop some things but we are not responding. This is very dangerous.

Let’s take time to examine our lives asking God to help us work according to His will. We should also ask God to take charge of our lives and surrender completely to Him. Be meek/ humble, allow the Spirit of God to correct you and obey His corrections. May God help us and bless us all, Amen.

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Stay Blessed.

Chidinma Oluchi.


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