The Importance of Spiritual Development

The Importance of Spiritual development

Spiritual development is an area people don’t really pay much attention to.

Have you been in a situation where it feels like things are getting tough instead of getting better? Sometimes, it feels like one is choking. Other times, one is like, “what’s the worst thing that can ever happen asides this?”.

If you are in this category, just be calm. The good news is, there is hope whether you believe it or not.

Life is full of ups and downs, good times and bad times but the decision is up to you. You have to choose where you want to belong. Someone will say, “well, I cannot control the bad/ good things that happen”. That’s not true.

Have it in mind that before things happen physically, they must have taken place spiritually. Knowing this helps one a lot.

Man is a spirit being, he has a soul and he lives in the body. Without the body we won’t be able to stay on earth, neither will we be able to touch or feel things on earth.

Man is meant to operate in 2 realms. The Spiritual realm being the most important and the physical realm. Each realm has its own benefit but the superior is always the spiritual realm because it rules the physical realm.


The Importance of Spiritual Development
The Importance of Spiritual Development


Being sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit (Spiritual realm) has unimaginable benefits. When one is sensitive in the Spirit, one is able to pick up spiritual things early enough before they happen physically. This is one of such benefits.

I have heard a testimony from a man of God, he said that since he gave his life to Christ, there hasn’t been a time where something bad was about to happen to a family member and he didn’t know about it. A number of people are in this realm and this enables them to change the course of the event through prayers.

Final note

Instead of blaming God for every evil that comes one’s way, we should be sensitive enough to listen to what He has to say regarding the situation before the evil happens and be able to pick up things in the spiritual realm. This is why we should develop ourselves spiritually. 

Remember what 2 Corinthians 10: 4 says;

4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)

When you develop yourself spiritually which can be done by studying the Word of God, reading Christian books like, How to be led by the Spirit of God written by Kenneth. E. Hagin, Good Morning Holy Spirit ( Benny Hinn) to name a few, life becomes interesting. We become very aware of every attack of the enemy.

It is true that we face trials and temptation which in most cases help us to grow but at each point, we are meant to come out victorious and not defeated. Things become easy when we develop spiritually. 

Spiritual development helps us know what to do at each point in time, know who to lean on and where to draw strength from when things seem hard. We also enjoy rest roundabout.

Knowledge is power, Spiritual development is vital. Knowing what to do about a situation makes the mountain in it look like nothing.

I hope you have enjoyed the post, Stay Blessed. To access the previous post, check here, you can contact me on Tumblr.

Chidinma Oluchi.


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