healing: Why People find it hard to Believe in Healing

Why people find it hard to believe in Healing.

Some people have not seen miracles before neither have some experienced healing. Some don’t even believe in miracles or healing but this can only take place according to your faith. God is the same yesterday, today and forever.

By the help of God, I will be giving a brief explanation of who we were before, who we turned out to be by Adam and who we are in Jesus Christ.

God created man in the same class as Him. We are created in the very image and likeness of God (Genesis 1: 26). 

Adam, the First man

Adam who is the first man was highly spiritual. He had control over his natural body, in essence, his spirit man had control over his physical body/ flesh.

How do I know this? God is a Spirit remember, and they that worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth ( John 4: 24). You can’t communicate FLUENTLY with God except you are HIGHLY spiritual. If we study the book of Genesis, we will see how God spoke clearly to Adam. There was no doubt as to whether it was God or not. Every human being has its source in Adam. God gave Adam the power to rule over the earth. He gave him authority in which case, Adam was in charge.

Also remember that the gifts and calling of God are without repentance( Romans 12: 29). When God gives you something, He has given you. The only way to lose it is if you allow the devil to take it from you through fear, sin, etc.

The devil has nothing of his own, all he gives to his members are stolen goods. John 10: 10 says, “ The thief cometh not, but to steal, kill and destroy: I am come that they might have life and that they may have it more abundantly.

When Adam sinned, the authority given to Adam was automatically transferred to the devil who is the father of sin. God couldn’t take it back because it had already been given out and God’s gifts are irrevocable as we see in Romans 12: 29. He had to find a way of making the human race have access to all that He has given them. This was made possible in Jesus.


healing, Why People find it hard to Believe in Healing
healing, Why People find it hard to Believe in Healing



God’s gift

Through Adam, sin came into this world and through Jesus Christ, we are restored. Romans 5: 12, 1 Corinthians 15: 21).

My point in all this is for us to believe that Jesus Christ TOOK our infirmities and bore our sicknesses and by His stripes, we are healed, Matthew 8: 17, Isaiah 53: 4. The Bible didn’t tell us that He will take but that He already has taken i.e He took it and this is past tense.

It’s very easy for people to believe that the human race is suffering from the sins of Adam but difficult to believe that our healing has already been paid for. Also, the only way we can access this free gift of healing is receiving by our OWN faith and shunning the opinion of others. It’s only your God that has the final say over your life, not any human being.

People find it easy to believe hardship and difficult situations compared to the truth and sweetness of life that God has given us.

Final note

People suffering from one ailment or the other would say, “ I still feel the pain”, I can still see this and that happening so how do I believe. Until we have the mentality that the spiritual realm is more superior to the physical realm and this has already been taken care of spiritually, nothing will happen. You can only receive your healing through your faith.

As Christians, we have been redeemed to a better realm than Adam was before he sinned. This redemption comes with a package of having a very close relationship with God. In Genesis 2: 19, God Himself brought every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air, and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them. As Adam named them, their names became so.

This was how spiritual Adam was and how much rapport he had with God. This was the type of relationship God wanted to have with man in the beginning but man sinned and the devil took over. Thanks be to God, He has already restored this relationship for us in JESUS CHRIST. We have to receive our healing in faith to have it.

I hope you have enjoyed this post. To access the previous post, check here. You can contact me on facebook.

Stay Blessed.

Chidinma Oluchi.



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