Healing in your Soul_ Mind

Soul healing: Healing in the Soul/Mind

The rule for healing in our soul is the same as that of the body. First and foremost what does it mean to be sick in the soul/ mind? This means one having issues with his/ her mental health and could also include various forms of mental disorders. 

The mind can be the reason why the body is sick. For example, persistent fright/ panic can result in high blood pressure and if not well controlled can lead to a stroke. Also, sickness in the body could lead to the mind being affected. 

Someone who has just been diagnosed of cancer and told the he has limited number of days to live could become depressed. The body and soul, when it comes to healing can be intertwined.

Proverbs 17: 22 says, “a merry heart doeth good like medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones”.

This passage show us the relationship between the the spirit, soul and body.

A merry heart (Soul/Mind) = Medicine.

A broken Spirit = Drieth the bones (flesh).

Solutions for soul healing

There are various drugs out there for people going through mental health conditions like depression. People are encouraged to take these drugs if their faith level isn’t up yet. There is no sin in taking drugs but why would you go for the inferior when you have the superior at your disposal?

Have you heard of the room filled with spare parts in Heaven? No wonder you hear the testimony of a woman who already had her womb (uterus) removed by doctors giving birth to babes (not surrogacy). A man who doctors told that his heart had failed then next thing, the heart started functioning like a brand new one. Another man with bone marrow cancer, after partaking of the holy communion in faith, the doctors couldn’t find anything.


Just as many are dying from various diseases, few have caught the light and have received their healing. Why not be part of that few so you could share your testimony and use this medium to turn people to Christ. It’s all up to you. God has played His part by making provisions of healing available to us in Christ, it’s our turn to play ours. It’s according to your faith. 

Faith connects the spiritual (more superior) to the physical. It’s with the hand of faith that we receive what God has for us and without faith, it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11: 6).

In addition to faith, salvation, determination, prayer and fasting, thanksgiving, never giving into fear it is also important that we seek God earnestly. Hebrews 11: 6 says, “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him (NIV).

You must know Jesus to access the blessings of redemption which includes healing, remission of sins among others.

Salvation Prayer

Lord Jesus, I come to you today as a sinner, I surrender to you. Forgive me all my sins, wash me clean by your blood, and deliver me from the power of sin and death. I believe that you died for me and on the third day you rose again. I accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Come into my heart and be the Lord of my life. Thank you Lord, for delivering me from the power of sin and death. I am delivered, I am saved and now a child of God.

Congratulations my dear brother and sister. Now a brand new you have emerged because if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation (2 Corinthians 5: 17). If you just surrendered to Jesus, you can reach us lychicrafts@gmail.com to stay in touch.

To access the previous post on healing in the body, check here. Don’t forget to follow our Facebook page for regular updates.

Remain Blessed.



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