Healing in your Spirit (1)

Healing Spirit: Healing in Our Spirit

When it comes to healing the spirit, our spirit man is either dead or alive. The spirit man operates differently compared with the soul and body. The spirit man is the real you and feeds on the word of God for strength just like the soul. The body/ flesh feeds on the 3 classes of food i.e energy-giving, body building, and protective giving food).

The spirit man is dead in Christ for those who have not been saved, those who don’t know Jesus as their personal Lord and Saviour. Even Though they function like every other human being on earth, their spirit-man has not started functioning well. The spirit starts living when we surrender our lives to Jesus (Salvation) and become born again.

In 2 Corinthians 5: 17, the Word of God says, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

When we say the prayer of Salvation with our hearts by declaring with our mouth that Jesus is Lord and believing in our hearts that God rose him from the dead then we will be saved (Romans 10: 9). Once this happens, a brand new you emerges, your spirit which was once dead comes alive. Physically you may not notice anything but spiritually, a change has taken place.

Continuation of healing the Spirit

When your spirit man is alive to God, it will be very easy dealing with issues of the mind and body. This is because the spirit man (the real you) communicates with the Holy Spirit who lives in you. The Holy Spirit/ The Spirit of God is the precious gift we receive from God once we are saved. The benefits of the Holy Spirit in our lives is enormous. The Spirit of God makes life easy for us on earth. Unfortunately, a lot of born again Christians are not aware of this fact and suffer unnecessarily. The enemy prey on one’s ignorance.

When we obey instructions from the Spirit of God, all obstacles on our path are leveled out. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God (Romans 8: 14). Being led by the Holy Spirit is a wonderful adventure that we shouldn’t miss out on. This primary way through which God leads His children is through the inner witness. Sometimes we just know things. It’s the Holy Spirit communicating with our spirit-man, giving instructions. To know more about how the Holy Spirit leads, look for books/ tapes of men of God who have proof of this in their lives.

Healing of the spirit is either death or life, unlike the soul/ body. Once our spirit-man is alive and well, other parts line up. Therefore we should start working on our spirit-man to experience a tremendous change in our whole life.

If you are yet to surrender to Christ, this is the perfect time. Please say the salvation prayer below.

Salvation prayer

Lord Jesus, I come to you today as a sinner, I surrender to you. Forgive me all my sins, wash me clean by your blood, and deliver me from the power of sin and death. I believe that you died for me and on the third day you rose again. I accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Come into my heart and be the Lord of my life. Thank you Lord, for delivering me from the power of sin and death. I am delivered, I am saved and now a child of God.

Congratulations my dear brother and sister. Now a brand new you have emerged because if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation (2 Corinthians 5: 17). If you just surrendered to Jesus, you can reach us lychicrafts@gmail.com to stay in touch.

To access the previous post on soul healing, you can check here. Don’t forget to follow our Facebook page for regular updates.

Remain Blessed.



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