The joy of God that keeps you going'

The Joy of God that keeps you going

Joy can be defined as happiness with deeper roots. This means that it is a higher form of happiness and it is given by the Spirit of God. As believers, when we surrender to Jesus and accept Him as our Lord and Saviour, we have access to Joy and the Spirit of God comes into our lives. The presence of the Holy Spirit makes life easier for us. So at redemption, we access the Joy of Salvation.

David speaking in Psalm 51 vs 11- 12 (NIV) says;

11: Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me.

12: Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me.

Joy is also known to be one of the fruits of the Spirit of God (Gal 5: 22-23) and fruits will only manifest the qualities of it’s parent tree. Therefore, to be a true son/ daughter of God, Joy among other fruits should be seen present in our lives (not faking it).

Why is Joy Important for me?

With Joy, we draw water out of the wells of salvation (Isaiah 12:3). Salvation can be defined as total wellbeing hence for us to enjoy salvation, we need this fruit of the Spirit. Furthermore, God is our salvation (Isaiah 12:2). When we have God, we have all we’ve ever wanted because things answer to God’s command.

The devil knows this, that’s why sometimes he tries to use sadness/depression/anger to turn away that glorious gift God has prepared for us. We shall not fall for the devices of the enemy anymore. Amen.

How to access Joy

By studying the Word of God: Jeremiah 15:16 says, “Your words were found and I ate them, And Your words became for me the joy and the delight of my heart; for I have been called by your name, o LORD God of hosts”. The testimony of Jesus is the Word of prophecy and it brings joy to our soul. To have access to joy in God’s word, we must take time to study, meditate, eat, and digest it. Also, put into practice what has been learnt.

Through fellowship: Fellowship can be defined as an association between people who share a common interest. This could be between God and man or in the gathering of many people for wherever two or three people are gathered in God’s name, He is there in their midst (Matthew 18: 20). In the church, we not only have the physical beings present with us but the spiritual beings also (Hebrews 12:22). In the presence of God is fullness of Joy and on His right hand are pleasures forevermore (Psalm 16: 11).

When things seem hard and difficult: This might seem strange but yes we have access to joy when things seem difficult. How? When you are in a difficult situation and you need clarity, encourage yourself in the Lord like David did (1 Samuel 30:6), praise Him. As you do, the joy already deposited in you will be stirred up. Before you know it, Habakkuk 3: 17- 19 will become your portion. This has happened to me several times. It works like fire.


  • Soul-winning or turning many to righteousness (Daniel 12: 3): The Word of God says that there is joy in heaven over one sinner that repents (Luke 15:7, 10). Also whatsoever you sow, you will reap (Galatians 6:7-9). If you are a soul winner, Joy is sure for you.

Always stir up the gift of God within you and don’t let the devil steal your joy.

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Remain Blessed.



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