Praise: The Relationship Between Praise and Coronavirus

The Relationship between Praise and Coronavirus

My fellow comrades, I didn’t know that I would be writing a post today but I was quickened by the Spirit of God to write this.

There has been a lot of disheartening things happening across the nations of the earth. More countries more affected than others. Places taking more of the disease burden than others. People in places with little effect barely understand what hard hit places are going through. Not being able to see loved ones again, not being able to tell them goodbye.

My dear colleagues and fellow health workers in the forefront battling this evil virus, I pray for God’s mercies and protection upon you all. One doesn’t bargain for this. We wake up every day with the hope of saving lives and not becoming victims but as you know, we are all humans at the end of the day.

For the health workers and everyone affected, it shall turn to you for a testimony.

Science is failing, all efforts to come up with a cure doesn’t seem bright, people that believe so much in science and medicine are coming to see that there is more to this than meets the eye.

Many have to turn to God for a way out. God is the only one with the answer to this and I know that in a very short while, things will return back to normal.

Way Forward

For Christians, you have a lot of weapons at your disposal to fight a spiritual battle. Oh! incase it hasn’t occurred to you, we are in a spiritual warfare. There is nothing physical about what is presently going on.

Before I go further let me state that as a believer in Christ, you are not permitted to fall victim to this coronavirus but if you give room to the devil through fear, then there is a high possibility of one getting it despite being God’s elect. Fear could come through people around you, fellow colleagues having the virus or what you seen on the internet.

Now, for those without this virus, guard yourself against fear by using the Word of God to boast your Faith, stay away from sin and things that may instill fear into you.

For those who have already contracted the virus, there is a way out. You don’t need to go through what others are going through whether you have and underlying condition or not.

Please follow these steps

  1. For nonbelievers, this is the time to accept Jesus into your life and make Him you Lord and Saviour. 
  2. Plead for mercy and forgiveness: This step is not just for those who have the virus but those who don’t. We have all sinned and come short of the glory of God; (Romans 3: 23). No one should ever boast of being holy because whatever we are is by the grace of God and not our doing.

Also, God killeth and maketh alive (1 Samuel 2: 6). He will have mercy on whom He will have mercy (Romans 9: 15). The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning (Lamentations 3: 22-23).

We should also know that God has the key to life and death and no life can be taken without His permission so He is in charge and not the devil.

3) Once we’ve done Step 1 and 2 and have turned from our sins, we should get ready to use the weapon/ mysteries of the kingdom God has given us. There are a number of these such as prayer, The anointing oil, The Holy communion, the mantle, feet washing, etc. Each of these mysteries works according to the level of Faith you have in them but there is this one called praise.

The Mystery of Praise

Praise is a mystery I love so much and will work anytime, any day, anywhere. This mystery is also according to your faith in God.

God owns the whole world. He created the universe and everything in it. The gold and silver are all His but there is one thing He can’t give to Himself, it’s called praise. We are told to enter into His gate with thanksgiving and His court (the inner chamber) with praise (Psalm 100: 4).

When we praise God with the whole of our heart, He comes down Himself. When you have God inhabiting your praise (Psalm 22: 3), no coronavirus can stand His presence. Even before He comes, it would all have disappeared.

In Summary

In essence, If you have the virus or you feel the symptoms, take at least 2 hours to give God a heart felt praise with the belief that you are already healed. What you have in your heart matters a lot. Don’t have it in mind that it will go but believe that it has already gone and you are thanking God for healing irrespective of the obvious symptoms. Once you have this mentality, within a short period everything will disappear.

I use this anything I have heavy symptoms of sickness and it has ALWAYS worked. By the second day, I am up and jumping.

Don’t just lie down praising God, jump up like someone that is already healed. Do things you couldn’t do before, put your faith to work because God is very pleased when you do so (Hebrews 11: 6).

God is too faithful to fail. Put this to work and don’t forget to share your testimony because I know that it shall become a testimony. To know more about praise, check this post on praise. You can join our Facebook community and also access the previous post here. If you want to get in touch, please fill the form below.

Stay Blessed.



One response to “The Relationship between Praise and Coronavirus”

  1. Glorious post!! Praise God for your obedience!

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