Trial: 6 Things to do in Times of Trials

6 Things to do in Times of Trials

Walking through life, one faces moments of trials and difficulties which is only meant to be for a while.

When some Christians see people going through one thing or the other and they conclude that these people must have offended God or it’s the devil punishing them, I’m surprised.

Don’t get me wrong, whatever one sows, one will surely reap but there are times of trials in everyone’s life that has nothing to do with who they’ve offended or what they’ve done.

Even Jesus our Lord and Saviour said in John 16:33 that we will face tribulations but we should be of good cheer because He has overcome the World.

Moments of trials are moments of glorification and decoration.

6 things to do when you are facing a trial

Trials come in stages and until one excels in a stage, he/she will not be able to move to the next phase in his/her life. 

Be spiritually sensitive

Yes, we all live on earth which is physical but there is a higher and superior realm. This is the spiritual realm. A number of things already took place in the spiritual realm before the manifestation was seen physically.

In essence, we can change what happens in the physical if we are sensitive to the spiritual realm by the help of God. There are times when one is convicted to pray about something which he/she may not know about. At that point in time, there has been a set up from the pit of hell. Once such a person is able to pray through, then God takes charge. 

Remember that the real you is actually a spirit, you have a soul and the body is only a container to function on earth. Having this information gives you an edge over the trial/situation. Although it may be the will of God for us to go through the trial, knowing that this is for our glorification and God is present to help us makes it easy.

Know how to handle the source.

You get stressed out when you look at human beings as the source behind what you are going through. Putting the blame on this or that person doesn’t make it better also. One thing people don’t realize is, the devil uses people as instruments of frustration.

Someone already feeling downcast and hopeless sees a friend he believes will give him hope. Only for this friend to talk down on him at that moment. Please, how ordinary can that be?

When things get tough, that’s when you see those close to you making you feel even worse about yourself or strangers saying things that will really get at you.

Please don’t get offended at these people because when you bring up the topic on a later date, some won’t even remember saying such.

When faced with such a situation, recognize the devil as the person hidden behind the faces of these people. Deal with him using the Word of God, your faith and then throw what they’ve said into the trash can. No need pondering on it.




Trial: 6 Things to do in Times of Trial




Enjoy and Learn from the Trial

Well, I know it’s not right to place enjoyment and trial together or is it?

Knowing that what you are going through is a trial and being aware that it’s only for a moment will definitely give you a huge advantage.

It is very possible to enjoy yourself and have peace of mind while experiencing the trial. It’s a lie of the devil to be stressed out and frustrated in the trial.

The only way one can accomplish this is by casting all your cares on Jesus, 1 Peter 5: 7. Giving Him your heavy burden and taking His light burden, Matthew 11: 28- 30.

How to know when you’ve succeeded in this area is, you don’t care any longer about what is happening because you know that God is with you. You’ve handed that situation over to Him and He’s got your back. Also, ignoring and resisting the devil gets him pissed off which is a very good thing.

It is also important to learn from the trial. Things will begin to unfold, you will be able to learn things about yourself. Utilize this stage very well because you will need the lesson gained in the next phase.

Begin to Picture your Next Level

Having the mentality that great change will always come your way after every trial you face will save you a lot of heartaches. It’s important for you to picture what is coming because it is as far as your eyes can see that God will give to you, Genesis 13: 14- 15. Don’t limit yourself.

During this period, if you are close to God and have developed a personal relationship with Him, the Spirit of God will begin to reveal things to you. These things will come to pass when you do what God tells you to do (Obedience).

Remember that for every new level, there are new oppositions and every great and effectual door God opens for us, we have to contend with the enemy, 1 Corinthians 16: 9.

Praise and Worship God

Praising and Worshiping God in the midst of trials rather than complaining is Gold. One doesn’t really know the value of worship and what it means to God especially when one is faced with difficult situations until you have seen The Father react.

I won’t be writing much on this topic because I already have a post on it, you can check here.

Be Happy in your Trial

Finally, be happy because it is the will of God that we prosper and be in good health even as our soul prospereth, 3 John 1: 2.

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Stay blessed.




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