Two groups of people in life, purpose


Life has a purpose and it is a journey that we go through and this journey is in stages. There is a stage for learning how to crawl, walk, talk, begin school, graduate from school, get a job and so on. It’s like things have been programmed even before you were born.


Now there are two categories of people; the first are those that accomplish their task in life.

These group of people knows exactly why they are on earth, they know how to go about this task and go for it.


The second group of people are those that follow the programme of life and just do what others are doing because they feel it is appropriate or the “ideal” thing to do. These people don’t really know why they are on earth or they do but are not putting any effort towards that direction.


People are different in life, even identical twins don’t have the same destiny just as their fingerprint differs. It is important to know that you have a particular purpose in life. There is a reason why you have been placed on earth, there is something you need to do to add colour and beauty to planet earth and the people that live in it.


Knowing this makes you aware of the path you should take towards fulfilling this goal early in life. My book on Making the Most of your life on earth gives more insights into this topic.


I know there are many factors that can stop one from achieving their goals in life but irrespective of whatever it is, the mind is where everything starts from, your mind is a powerful tool that influences your decision in life. If you set your mind to achieving that goal regardless of what you are passing through or what may come your way, you will get there. Sometimes it may not even look like anything is happening or things may look even worse, don’t get your mind off that goal, it’s all a matter of time.


The first group of people already know what exactly it is they are on earth for.

Someone might ask, how is it possible to know what you are here for? Sometime this might be expressed in what you enjoy doing like your hubby but to be 100% sure, you need to ask God because He is the one that placed you on earth for that very purpose.


I won’t be dwelling much on how to know what you are on earth for but to get more clarification on this issue, you can read How to be Led by the Holy Spirit by Kenneth Hagin and Good Morning Holy Spirit by Benny Hinn. These books really blessed my life you can also check out my book titled, You Can be Happy also.


One interesting thing about following God’s plan for your life is that there is never a boring moment, it’s from one surprise to another.

Let me try to explain this further, our purpose on earth is a great one and cannot be accomplished on our own without a greater force being in place and I mean God.


When God leads you, He takes you from one step to another, from one adventure to the other and it starts from the little things, as you become faithful and pass each step He takes you to the next. There are some places you find yourself and wonder why you are there but remember that the ways and thoughts of God are far different from ours, for every situation or challenge we face (especially those that really know God) it’s for a greater cause it may not look like that now but later in future when you reflect back on that challenge, you’ll then know the reason why you had to go through it.


Sitting down in your office, doing the same thing over and over again can be very boring and unfulfilling. Don’t be scared to go after your purpose and put God first because you’ll require His wisdom in knowing how to get things done properly.


In Summary, each and every one of us has a special purpose on earth, locate it, lean on God to see you through and begin to enjoy the adventure that comes every time because it is from one realm of Glory to another. The path of the just is as a shining light that shines brighter and brighter even unto the perfect day.


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