Understand your benefits in Redemption

Understanding Your Benefits in Redemption

Understanding our benefits in Christ makes us live an overcomer life. We should all beware of the rules required in living a fulfilling life on earth. The difference between the rich and poor is the secret of understanding. Not only understanding but also applying it to your life.

Using Feeding as an Example

While carbohydrate is very important to humans as it is a vital source of energy, you can’t compare one who feeds majorly on carbohydrate (with little or no addition of other classes of food such as vitamins, proteins, etc.) to one who eats balanced diet especially with the addition of fruits and vegetables. When the day of reckoning comes, there would definitely be a clear difference.

That one is a Christian and living a godly life does not mean he/ she should treat his/ her body anyhow. Remember that God is not an anyhow God and every man will give an account of what God has given us. 

Benefits of Redemption


One of the rules we need to follow on earth is doing things through the Wisdom of God. The Word of God tells us that if anyone lacks wisdom, let him ask of God that giveth to all men liberally (James 1: 5).

Wisdom is so important on earth today. It turns 100days of labour to one day. The Wisdom of God makes things so easy for us. If you are the “I cannot stress myself type of person”, then you really need the Wisdom of God.  To know more about Wisdom, read the book of Proverbs.

David, during his lifetime, went to war a number of times but his son Solomon whom God lavished with his wisdom didn’t go to war. As subtle as Wisdom seems, it’s a powerful weapon. Wisdom speaking in Proverbs 8: 15, “By me kings reign, and princes decree justice”.

All we have to do to get this kind of Wisdom is; remain children of God then earnestly ask God for Wisdom.


People who have seen the truth about longevity which can also be called long life have the assurance of fulfilling their days on earth. This is one advantage children of God who have an understanding of this have over those who don’t. 

Some have passed through different storms that tried claiming their lives but even while in such situations, they laughed their way to victory. This is because they have a deep-rooted understanding of their rights in redemption.

There are many Bible passages on longevity and I also have a post on it so I won’t be dwelling much on the topic. The good thing about some of these verses is, they are linked to what we must do to achieve this. Some of these verses are; Exodus 23: 25-26, Psalm 34: 11- 13, Psalm 91: 16, Proverbs 9: 11.

The recent passage that sank into my spirit even though I have been seeing this verse is 1 Corinthians 11: 23- 30. This talks about the communion which Jesus says we should do often in remembrance of Him. The Bread signifies His flesh while the drink signifies His Blood. Those who do this properly without sin and with a sense of purpose, not taking it for granted will be strong, immune to sickness and immune to death. 

By partaking of the communion i.e the flesh and blood of Jesus, you are partaking of the very life of Christ which is still living up till now.  If one takes it unworthily it will lead to sickness, loss of strength and death. The next post will still be on understanding the many benefits we have in redemption.

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Stay Blessed.



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