Christianity: Taking it one step at a time as a Christian

Your walk as a Christian

Walking with God is a very interesting adventure. When you put the Word of God to work in your life and you see results, it’s usually exciting. Unfortunately, a number of people don’t wait to see the end result when faced with a test/ trial. They would search for alternatives and this weakens their faith.

In this post, I will write about healing. Healing has everything to do with one’s faith. We can see this all through the Bible. If Jesus could believe for them in Nazareth in order to do mighty works, He would have. Even if someone marries an anointed spouse or a powerful man or woman of God prays for you and your faith is zero or little, nothing much will happen.

Realizing that it’s your faith that you need in order to receive your healing is one step. Believing that the sickness has already been taken away by Jesus (even though you can see the symptoms) is another step.


Listening to testimonies of people who were in similar situations just like you but have received their healing should help boost your faith. These people are not different from you. Once your faith is high enough, the healing becomes automatic.

For those that have lost various parts/ organs and have been told that they can never be replaced, well that’s not true if you have faith. Faith looks simple but yet powerful. A good number of people who have had visions of Heaven speak about the place where spare parts are kept. All you need to do is to be born again and then build your faith. Reading Christian books and listening to tapes on faith helps a lot.

The Christian walk is a very interesting one, no dull moments and things are not done haphazardly but orderly. When something goes wrong, religion will find a way of explaining the reason but a walk with God will open up your knowledge to the truth.

I hope you have enjoyed this post, stay blesses as you keep walking with God. To access previous post check here.

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Stay Blessed




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