Living Life the right way

Life is beautiful, not everyone will agree with this statement tho. If you know what to do and you do it, at the end of the day you will begin to see the light in the statement.

Knowledge is power. The reason why some people are rich and others are not is because they know what to do and are doing it well. We’ve all been given 24 hours in a day equally, how you decide to spend your time determines how high you fly in life.

In this post, I will be writing on things to have in mind if you want to live life the right way.

Firstly in life, set your priorities straight.

As  I wrote earlier, we all have 24 hours in a day. One will always have time for what becomes a priority in one’s life. Unfortunately, some people’s priorities have been replaced with irrelevances which is also weighing them down. These irrelevances are not productive rather, they rob you of your time and sometimes money.

Putting God as your number 1 priority makes things easy for you. When you put God first, He makes your day more profitable. A project that would normally take you days to complete, with the help of God, you could be completing it within hours. He shows you easier ways of doing things and gives you insight.

This is why we see a lot of men and women of God who run ministries, universities and other business all at the same time without getting tired. Just one revelation from God can turn one into an employer of labour and if one keeps obeying God, he/ she is guaranteed to have rest roundabout.

In order to hear fluently what God has to say to you at each point, you will need to have a personal relationship with Him. To gain more insight in this area, you can read Christian books e.g, How to be led by the Holy Spirit by Kenneth Hagin, Good morning Holy Spirit by Benny Hinn, etc.

Secondly, beware of the people you relate with.

Evil communication they say corrupts good manners. If one walks with the wise, the person will be wise but a companion of fools shall be destroyed ( Proverbs 13: 20). Beware of those you allow close to you. You are not meant to be friends with everyone, some are just meant to be acquaintances. If you have a friend and you find out that this person is not going in your direction, wisdom demands that you cut off.

Cutting off does not mean keeping malice, it’s you protecting your territory. if one has worked hard on ones-self with the help of God, it’s normal to prevent anyone from spoiling it. These people can come in the form of wonderful friends that want to help but in the real sense, the devil has placed them to cause havoc so one has to be spiritually sensitive.

There are also some group of people who specialize in bringing others down. Please if you have these people as friends, they are of no use to you. People who bring others down are insecure and have low self-esteem. They try to project what they feel towards others.

Other areas to work on are; 

Eating healthy, eat fruits and vegetables regularly, don’t wait till you are overweight before you start to keep fit, exercise regularly.

Find time to rest (recreational activities) and give to the poor and needy.

The foundation for living life the right way is having a close relationship with God then you will know what you should and shouldn’t do per time.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this post, to access the previous post check here. You can also join me on Tumblr.

Stay blessed.



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