Eye Service_ Minding One's Business

Eye Service: Minding One’s Business

Eye Service: Minding One’s Business

People complain of stress, stress, stress. Have you taken time to find out the cause of this “stress”? I have noticed that people dabble into things that they shouldn’t. Some engage in things just to please others and at the end of the day, it piles up and becomes unproductive. One thing we should avoid is placing unnecessary load/ burden on ourselves because it can cause one to break down physically, mentally and emotionally.

If you are the type of person that prioritizes your work and has little or no time for any other thing ask yourself if this is right. As much as hard work is good if anything happens that makes you not able to work there, things will still go on smoothly without you.

People who believe that without them nothing will go on need to wake up. There are those if given the same opportunity will even do better. One cannot be productive doing a lot of irrelevant things at a time, it will only lead to confusion.

Take time to rearrange your life, set your priorities, do your job effectively and remove the irrelevant ones. Don’t do things just because you want to please another person but be yourself. Find time to rest and take care of yourself. 

People seem to always be in a hurry in life. A hurry to go to work, a hurry to pick up children from school, to do this and that. Always find the time to stay calm even in the midst of the hurry.



Eye Service_ Minding One's Business
Eye Service_ Minding One’s Business


A Story of Beatrice

Beatrice is a nice girl who likes helping people but also enjoys pleasing people for the sake of acknowledgment. In essence, she likes eye service. Beatrice worked in an organization where she had the mentality of things not working well in her absence. She took jobs that were not related to her work and tried pleasing as many people as she could.

On several occasions instead of Beatrice insisting on not doing some things and standing on her no, she would keep quiet. She preferred complaining to people around her and bearing grudges.

Staff in the organization took her kindness for granted and started giving her more work to do.  In fact, if there was any hitch regarding the work given to her even though it was out of kindness, she would be abused for it. To them, it was Beatrice’s responsibility.

As a result of this, coming to work became a thing of sadness for Beatrice. She felt used and started cutting off bit by bit. One day, Beatrice was called for an interview to a place she had previously applied to and was given a job. She was happy and left the organization. She believed things won’t work the way they were meant to because of here absence but that was not the case. 

When she left, someone else was employed who knew what he was meant to do and what was not his duty. He categorically made it clear what he was meant to do there and had other duties assigned to the respective individuals. Though he was not very much liked by people at the time but he was respected. At the end of everything, Beatrice was never commended for her hard work.

Life’s Lesson

This is how life is. People who do eye service end up stressed out because most of them don’t enjoy what they are doing. Sometimes they transfer this aggression to family members and friends which makes it even worse. It’s not about what others think but how you feel. Are you fulfilled? Are you happy? 

We all have just one life to live, let’s make the best use of it and remember that you are solely responsible for the outcome of your life.

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Stay Blessed.



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