when: Is running after wealth okay_

Is running after wealth okay? Part 4

When one doesn’t get rich God’s way

There is this story about a woman who used diabolic means to attain a particular position in an institution. When she got this position, she embezzled a lot of money. Unfortunately for her, she developed a kind of sickness that would necessitate her to spend the money she embezzled on. If she hadn’t done all this and followed God’s way, she would have been hail and healthy. She would have attained that position or even a better one at God’s own time.

People are very short-sighted and narrow-minded. They think about the now and not the future. For this lady as it turns out, she would not be able to enjoy the position and wealth because of the sickness the devil has given her. The devil cannot give someone something for free. Once he gives a person something, that person will end up paying much more in return, and sometimes it could even include the person’s life. This is because he only has stolen goods and has nothing good to offer.

Our Heavenly Father

On the other hand, our Heavenly Father has made provisions for the riches/ wealth that we are in search of. We don’t have to pay anything for it, all He requires us to do is follow instructions on how to access it in His Word. He doesn’t need us to pay anything in return rather He will add more to our lives when we obey Him. He doesn’t have to take from one and give to another. God owns everything and whatsoever He says, He also creates.

Impatience has been found to be one of the major reasons why people run after ungodly wealth but at the end of the day, it is not worth it at all. Access to godly wealth has been proven times without number to be more productive.

If you want to surrender to Jesus, take this salvation prayer.

Lord Jesus, I come to you today as a sinner, I surrender to you. Forgive me all my sins, wash me clean by your blood, and deliver me from the power of sin and death. I believe that you died for me and on the third day you rose again. I accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Come into my heart and be the Lord of my life. Thank you Lord, for delivering me from the power of sin and death. I am delivered, I am saved and now a child of God.

Congratulations my dear brother and sister. Now a brand new you have emerged because if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation (2 Corinthians 5: 17). If you just surrendered to Jesus, you can reach us lychicrafts@gmail.com to stay in touch.

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Stay Blessed.



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