Jonathan: The Satisfaction gotten from Servicing Humanity

Jonathan: There is Satisfaction gotten from Servicing Humanity

I will be using the story of Jonathan to illustrate my point.


Born to earth just like every other person, has his own personality, purpose, and destiny given to him by God. Jonathan happened to be a good child, obeys his parents, and derives pleasure in helping people. He had a good upbringing, brought up in a Christian home, his parents cared for him and his siblings, and was also a very brilliant child.

Jonathan’s love for music was on another level. He started learning instruments at a tender age. Whenever Jonathan is asked by his parents what gift he would like for Christmas or any other celebration, his response would always be in line with a musical instrument no matter how ancient it might seem.

When he got to the senior year, he chose to be in the art class but his parents believed being in the science class would be more suited for him. “Since he is brilliant, he would be quite useful in the health line”, they said. Being the kind of person he is, he didn’t object but was not happy with the decision.

He decided to study medicine and finally became a medical doctor. Prior to this time, every exam he wrote was with the grace of God and determination. He managed to scale through although he didn’t put much effort because this was not his choice.

The Story Continues

On the day of his graduation, the whole family gathered to celebrate him. His parents showed him off to their friends. They would say something like, “oh, my very own son Jonathan has made me very proud, he is a medical doctor, yeah”. His mother’s headgear (tie) was high up to the heavens.

Everybody celebrated Jonathan but he was the only one who knew what it felt like being in a place you would rather not be. He also dreaded disappointing his parents. 

As time went by, Jonathan started practicing and the void of not accomplishing what he was meant to became bigger. He was not fulfilled at all. He believed he was destined for something greater, touching lives. This could only happen if he was in the arts.

One day he asked himself, do I give up all the years I’ve invested in my medical career and follow my passion when my parents are old? Do I give it all up now or make do with what I have to start up a family?.


There are so many questions to be asked such as choosing money over passion. Also, taking care of your family with whatever you’ve got rather than fulfilling your desires which in some cases happens to be God’s plan for you. It would be selfish if you leave your family with the excuse of doing things for yourself. As much as we need to love ourselves before we are able to share our love with others, remember those who God has placed in your hands. Therefore, settling your destiny early with God before getting involved with other people is paramount.

Jonathan was meant to end up a singer. He was meant to touch the lives of men across the nations of the earth and bring great joy to the Father. If he had done this, money would not have been an issue. When you walk in God’s plan for your life, every other thing people are looking for will be added to you without stress. Jonathan would also be servicing humanity if he had followed the plan God had for Him.

There is nothing as wonderful as being fulfilled at what you do. Not only is it rewarding on earth but also in Heaven. I have had a number of older people confess to missing it and regretting where they are. Some believe they can’t turn back because they’ve already gone too far. All I have to say is turn to God for help. You’ll be surprised how He will turn things around in your favour, just trust Him. 

Lesson to Learn

I heard a true story of a very famous actor who left acting because she wasn’t getting that fulfillment from it. Despite the fame, riches, power, she still felt empty. She finally entered a profession that gave her the satisfaction dropped the fame behind.  She is really happy where she is and speaks about this other career with so much passion.


To truly understand the meaning of fulfillment, lend a helping hand. Service Humanity
To truly understand the meaning of fulfillment, lend a helping hand. Service Humanity


At the end of the day, it’s not about how rich or famous you are but how much you impact mankind and how much you service humanity. That is what God checks (inorder for you to be rewarded) and that’s what can give you true fulfillment because we are all built for this.

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