knowing: When You Know Your God

Knowing: When you know your God

Knowing your God and Working with God has a lot of benefits. I will illustrate my point with the story of Damita

The Story of Damita

Damita was known by everyone to be reserved and someone who loves to mind her business. She had things going easy for her even in the midst of storms.

Damita grew up in a Christian home and knew somethings about God. She read the Bible stories and saw how God worked but never really had a personal encounter with Him. Damita came from an unsettled home. The tension in the house was high most day, parents always fighting. 

She needed solace, she needed someone who could help her out. This made her become serious with God. She needed an encounter with God. Damita started little by little. She would ask God for something and then receive answers to her prayers, this made her observant towards the things of God. She studied the Word of God more and read Christian books. 

As time went by, she became aware of the things God had done for her even in the past that she took for granted. Then she realized how faithful God is even in her unfaithfulness. Those times, when something good happens, instead of thanking God for it, she focused on things she didn’t have.

Damita began following the ways of God and started seeing evidence around her life. Even people noticed that there was something different about her.

Some Instances

There was a time people ganged up against Damita in her place of work, some even went ahead to bear false witness against her but God always showed Himself mighty on her behalf. She knew her God well and we’ve been told that those who do know their God shall be strong and do exploit. 

When the devil knows he can’t get you, he tries to use things around you against you be it people or things. We must be spiritually minded. Also, when one is on the right path and working according to God’s plan, the devil will keep trying to push one-off that path but he is insignificant to bother about. We should stay focused on the things of God.



knowing: When You Know Your God
knowing: When You Know Your God



Back to Damita

During the process of trial in her place of work, she has an understanding that helped her through

  1. It was a trial and every trial will definitely lead to victory and moving to the next level/ promotion.
  2. God is more than able to handle it, all she needed was to have faith in God and exercise some patience.
  3. At the end of it all, people will know that she is serving a living God. This was not the first time she will be challenged in her place of work so she already knew the outcome. Knowing this gave her comfort even though what was being done to her was totally unfair. She never pitied herself rather she saw it as an opportunity to move forward.I have noticed that this kind of mentality pleases God i.e when men do evil to you and you don’t react. God doesn’t joke with such persons, He fights for them and all they need to do is sit back and watch. Remember “He will fight for me and I will hold my peace?” well, it works like fire.

    At the end of it all, she came out victorious. It is normal to be challenged but abnormal to be defeated.

    Having a relationship with God has more benefits than being religious. Religion does not take people to Heaven. 


    Final Note

    The reason why some people don’t even recognize challenges anymore is that it’s now beneath them as a result of knowing what to do and doing it. In this same life where others are struggling for survival, some are enjoying the peace and living a stress-free life. 

    The difference between these two categories is wisdom and knowledge. The Word of God has told us that wisdom is the principal thing and the Word of God is the storage bank of wisdom. Just as David fought wars till he was old, Solomon who was also a king didn’t have to fight any war because wisdom prevailed. Wisdom and knowledge are the stability of thine times.

    Know your God, obey Him and see how that works for you.

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